The Texas Fauna Project is based on interviews with more than 230 biologists, ecologists, teachers, nature guides, wildlife managers, game wardens, hunters, veterinarians, outdoor writers, environmental lawyers and others based in over 120 towns. Each works to understand and conserve animals in the state. As samples, roughly 350 edited excerpts from the full interviews are shown here in streaming audio recordings, along with corresponding scrolling transcripts. Transcripts for the full interviews can be read here, complete audio recordings can be heard here, and the entire set of audio excerpts can be seen and searched on this YouTube channel.
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Alligator GarAlligator Snapping TurtleAmerican AlligatorAmerican BisonAmerican Black BearAmerican PaddlefishAoudadAtlantic Blue CrabAtlantic TarponAttwater's Prairie ChickenBald EagleBarton Springs SalamanderBlack-capped VireoBlack-tailed Prairie DogBoll WeevilBottlenose DolphinBrain CoralBrown PelicanBurroCamelCanvasback DuckCatChimney SwiftCowCoyoteDesert Bighorn SheepDogDung BeetleEastern OysterEastern Purple MartinEastern Screech OwlEskimo CurlewFeral HogGolden EagleGolden-cheeked WarblerGrass CarpGray FoxGreat-tailed GrackleGuadalupe BassHoneybeeHouse SparrowHouston ToadIvory-billed WoodpeckerJaguarundiKemp's Ridley Sea TurtleLeon Springs PupfishLesser Canada GooseLesser Snow GooseMexican Free-tailed BatMexican WolfMonarch ButterflyMonk ParakeetMottled DuckMountain LionMustangNorth American BeaverNorthern Aplomado FalconNorthern Bobwhite QuailOcelotPassenger PigeonPecos GambusiaPigPiping PloverPronghorn AntelopeRed DrumRed SnapperRed WolfRed-cockaded WoodpeckerShrimpSnowy EgretSouthern Pine Bark BeetleSouthern White RhinoSquirrelSwainson's HawkTexas Horned LizardTexas HornshellWhite-tailed DeerWhooping CraneWild Turkey