

The coyote is an opportunistic, resourceful, dog-like carnivore that has expanded into many parts of Texas, both rural and urban, taking over the range and genetically swamping the red wolf.


Narrator: Charles DeYoungTitle: FawnsDuration: 00:03:06Date: August 22, 2024Dr. Charles DeYoung, a wildlife biologist, professor, and former director at the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute in Kingsville, recalls research in the 1980s on the effect of killing coyotes to improve fawn survival, finding, on-average, no impact.Narrator: Chris JacksonTitle: IndividualsDuration: 00:03:16Date: October 3, 2024Chris Jackson, works as a software engineer in Carrollton, but has had a 20-year side line as a student of urban wildlife in the Dallas / Fort Worth area. He has authored the book, "In Your Backyard: Discovering Urban Wildlife", and the website, Here, he talks about the individual traits, emotions, and survival tools of wild animals, including coyotes.Narrator: Wyman MeinzerTitle: JournalsDuration: 00:05:04Date: January 30, 2023Wyman Meinzer, a photographer and hunter based in the Panhandle, has written two books about the coyote, and has also maintained a natural history account about the animal over the past 40-plus years. These journals show that the coyote has grown in size, likely because of how cattle are raised and feral hogs are controlled. Narrator: Glynn RileyTitle: Decoy Dogs and Den-TrappingDuration: 00:03:23Date: July 10, 2006Here, veteran trapper Glynn Riley tells the story of two methods of catching coyotes - running decoy dogs, and digging up dens. His tale reminds us of the great knowledge that these trappers had about the habits and behavior of coyotes, and the respect that they held for the animal as a worthy opponent. We are grateful to Diana Dwyer and the USDA/APHIS Wildlife Services Program, and its Trapping Oral History Initiative, for kindly sharing the source recordings for this excerpt.