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Timecode: 00:00:00


Lyubov Burlakova [00:00:00] And that gets me really worried about this population.

Lyubov Burlakova [00:00:04] So, basically, now we know that the only big, sustainable populations, hopefully sustainable, are near and above Laredo.

Lyubov Burlakova [00:00:13] And that's exactly where we have the major areas for fracking of gas in Texas. If you're looking at fracking wells, and fracking of gas wells, it's exactly in, going from San Antonio to Laredo area.

Lyubov Burlakova [00:00:29] And when we've worked there, it was just amazing to see how this activity from 2008 to 2013 will grow. And you will see all these oil wells and terminals growing like mushrooms. You see huge hotels in the desert, where there was nothing before.

Lyubov Burlakova [00:00:49] And the problem with even gas exploration (I'm not talking about even oil here), but gas exploration, because you don't expect, of course, any oil spills. But, they use a lot of water, first of all. They just consume millions of gallons of water because that's what they need to drill. And they're drilling constantly.

Lyubov Burlakova [00:01:10] First, so we see declining water tables that we have, and we are not in a good place to start with. Right?

Lyubov Burlakova [00:01:17] Plus, all this water that they use for drilling, it's really inserted with like tons of chemicals, and we don't even know what chemicals they are exactly. And they also have spills.

Lyubov Burlakova [00:01:28] So, all of this really worries me. It, it really worries me that the largest population of Texas hornshell is exactly in the areas with all of these activities right on the shore.