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Timecode: 00:00:00


Jim Stevenson [00:00:00] I began to realize that simply identifying a bird, or putting it on a list or whatever, is not really the whole experience. And in fact, it's not really a huge part of the experience.

Jim Stevenson [00:00:16] But learning about their needs, and making sure that our species doesn't shortchange their needs, became more and more important.

Jim Stevenson [00:00:27] I had a life list of birds, and actually one of my books is "The Quest for 5000 Birds", which I accomplished, I guess, in the year 2000.

Jim Stevenson [00:00:38] And now I look back on that as almost foolishness, because what was I doing for those birds?

Jim Stevenson [00:00:48] And now I'm in a much happier place working for environmental legislation ... and standing up for endangered species.

Jim Stevenson [00:01:00] I feel like these animals have become my friends, and maybe more important, I feel like I've become their friend....

Jim Stevenson [00:01:08] And I think one of the problems with bird listing is that as long as you can get one, you can put it on your list. You don't need 30, you don't need 100.

Jim Stevenson [00:01:20] But that's a fallacy, because when the piping plovers have gone from 30 to 1 down at San Luis Pass, they're almost gone.

Jim Stevenson [00:01:31] And you may get it on your little list that day, but down the road, that animal is disappearing off the face of the earth.