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Timecode: 00:00:00


Cathy Downs [00:00:00] They are, and I'll say it again, they're ambassadors. They're just a wonderful ambassador.

Cathy Downs [00:00:05] It opens conservation on a very positive note, even though talking about some of the topics that monarchs open might be controversial or political.

Cathy Downs [00:00:19] Monarchs are a topic that you can talk about to anybody and you're not going to be canceled. You're not going to have a political conversation.

Cathy Downs [00:00:28] But they open the door to anyone. I mean, there are very few people that don't know what a monarch butterfly is, or don't have some nostalgia or recognition of monarch butterflies.

Cathy Downs [00:00:40] And when you talk about a monarch butterfly, it's a very safe topic in this crazy day and age when you have to almost be careful what you're talking about, or who you're talking about it to.

Cathy Downs [00:00:55] So monarchs are nondenominational. Monarchs have no party affiliation. They have history, brand, nostalgia, recognition, curiosity, wonder.

Cathy Downs [00:01:09] You always open a monarch conversation on a positive note. I mean, there's no downside to an animal that does act as a great opening for conservation in wildlife.

Cathy Downs [00:01:21] I mean, it's a direct source to pollination, other pollinators. It's a direct source to what kind of garden you want to plant. It's a direct source to what will we do about the water issues in Texas, and what will we we do about feral hogs.

Cathy Downs [00:01:37] I mean, it leads to other conservation conversations that you might want to open, because it opens everything on a positive note.