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Mark Meyers [00:00:00] When we started the Rescue, we had no idea about the non-profit world whatsoever, but we did understand the for-profit field.

Mark Meyers [00:00:10] And so, we ran Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue like a business. We ran it with our heads and not with our hearts, if that makes any sense. And so, to this day, we still run Peaceful Valley as a business. And that's why we are as successful as we are, because we never rescue a donkey that we can't afford to take care of.

Mark Meyers [00:00:33] And, unfortunately, in our 20-plus years of existence, we have had to help shut down probably 50-plus rescues because they did just that. They ran it with their hearts and not with their heads. And they got in over their heads. And ultimately the animals suffered because they didn't have the money to care for the animals that they brought in.

Mark Meyers [00:00:56] And so, yes, those years as a contractor really taught me business sense, which you have to have.

Mark Meyers [00:01:05] I've got a donkey named Jobe who is over 45 years old. And so, when gas prices surged and we were paying over $5 a gallon for diesel, I went out to Jobe and I explained that to him.

Mark Meyers [00:01:19] And he looked me dead in the eye and he said, "I don't care. I want to eat. I want the vet to come out. I want my hooves trimmed. I want my teeth done."

Mark Meyers [00:01:27] He doesn't care. The animals don't care.

Mark Meyers [00:01:29] They want the same care that they get whether diesel's $5 a gallon or whether diesel's $2 a gallon.

Mark Meyers [00:01:36] Rescues have to provide these services regardless of where the economy's at.

Mark Meyers [00:01:41] And so, if we're going to be rescue professionals, we have to be prepared for that. We, we, we have to have the funds to do that.

Mark Meyers [00:01:50] And so, the money is the most important thing that we have on hand to pay for these things for the animals that we have agreed to take care of.

Mark Meyers [00:02:00] And so, we can't get in over our heads for the animals that we've already committed to, not the ones that are out there that need our help, but the ones we've already committed to, first. And then we can go out and provide those services to the ones that need us.